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Our Philosophy

我们学校的基本信念是,如果给予必要的机会和支持,所有学生都能成功. The program is designed to allow students to experience success, to help them understand the nature of their learning challenges, 并为他们提供克服学业和社会挑战的技能和策略.  

Our Approach

Remediation in basic reading, writing and math skills, 系统地使用全校范围内的策略,形成了我们独特项目的基础. Thinking Maps® and the EmPower 写作策略是帮助学生以一致的方式组织思想的重要工具. 语言病理学家教授学生考试和记忆策略,帮助他们学习所有内容.  Classes are small, eight students on average, 新京澳门葡萄城在课程内容上保持高标准, with instruction delivered to meet individual needs of students.

学生们分享说,他们认为学校是一个安全的环境,可以在其中学习和成长, 在那里,他们被鼓励承认并为自己的成长承担个人责任. 我们设定的一个重要目标是让我们的学生了解自己是学习者, by recognizing their strengths as well as their needs, and acquiring the confidence and skills to self-advocate.


A variety of electives and after-school activities 为学生提供丰富和拓展教育经验的机会,并促进学生的自信和积极互动.




Unlike most schools, Reading, Writing, 和英语语言艺术是分开的课程,让学生和老师把最佳的学习时间集中在建立和练习关键技能上. Please explore the Middle School and High School pages for sample courses and topics covered in each subject. 

Unique to The Norman Howard School

Explore more about Our School

Our Renowned Reading Program

在新京澳门葡萄城注册的学生接受专门为满足他们需求而设计的阅读指导.  被录取的学生在夏天来参加阅读(和数学)的班级分班评估。.  表现出明显低于年级水平的学生被安排在一个以解码为重点的阅读补习班, fluency, and comprehension. 



Wilson Reading & Really Great Reading


新京澳门葡萄城采用威尔逊阅读系统和真正伟大的阅读, which are evidence-based, to teach word analysis, sight word recognition, oral reading accuracy, fluency and  comprehension.  Students receive remedial instruction daily for 45 minutes. Reading classes are never larger than three students, and sometimes students receive one-to-one reading instruction, depending on their needs.  持续图表用于监控单词识别和拼写的进度.  Curriculum-based assessment, using the Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding, is completed three times per year. Standardized testing is used to measure annual growth.  


Read Naturally


Read Naturally, another evidence-based reading program, is used in conjunction with the Wilson Program.  It focuses on fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension.  流利度和准确性在每周开始和结束时进行评估.  Each unit contains a comprehension quiz.  参加补习课程的学生可以在家学习莱克夏语, 一个基于网络的程序,与解码和口语准确性课程中教授的解码技能相一致.  不需要发展基本技能的学生被安排在阅读理解课上.  Reading Advantage is the foundational program for reading comprehension.  精读活动和基于文本的书面回答用于提高学生的理解能力.  正在进行的课程为基础的措施是用来评估进展以及年度标准化措施. 



Foreign Language Class


对于没有阅读需求的学生,也不能免除学习一门外语, a foreign language class would take the place of reading.  Foreign language typically does not start until 7th grade, or later.  The Norman Howard School offers Spanish.  

Compelling Elective Courses

Electives are offered on a quarterly rotation to all students. In our Middle School, 学生采取每一个为学生提供一个机会,探索自己的兴趣和才能, and discover new ones. Starting in 10th grade, 学生自主选择课程,专注于自己感兴趣的科目.


摄影课程提供了“两全其美”的机会,在教室工作室学习数字和35毫米技能, on location, and in our on-campus darkroom.  该项目有双重目的:它为学生提供了一个安全的地方,让他们以艺术的方式表达自己,同时也为学生提供了一个培养个人责任感和领导能力的环境. 这种对艺术自由和个人责任的谨慎平衡一直是我们项目成立以来的基础.  鼓励对摄影艺术和照片冲洗的热爱是主要目标.  这让学生们可以承担创造性的风险,尝试拍照的艺术性,而不是担心他们的照片不“完美”。.

Maker Place 

创客之家是一个充满活力的艺术和建筑类,嵌入科学,数学素养和艺术.  学生有机会在一个支持性和丰富的环境中进行创作. 这种引人入胜的实践经验提供了可能的职业和职业兴趣,同时也让学生有机会提高他们在建筑等领域的技能水平, sculpting, designing, and printing.  Students plan and research project ideas including CAD design,

3-D and laser printing. 每节课都是根据学生的独特兴趣和技能水平量身定制的. 

Visual Arts/Music 

视觉艺术课程的重点是通过艺术探索发展学生的个人表达, 创造和反思以及对视觉素养的理解-识别能力, read and understand images. Students work from close observation, imagination and memory in a choice based, theme oriented curriculum.  学生们把自己的兴趣带到课堂上,探索传统和非传统的艺术媒体和技术, both 2-D and 3-D, including printmaking, painting, drawing assemblage, hand built and thrown ceramics and digital art.  学生也将有机会探索不同的乐器(声学), analog, 和数字),并根据学生的兴趣介绍音乐词汇和思想. 


Outdoor Education (High School)

户外教育活动的目的是建立自信,以及有效的倾听和领导能力. Team building is an important part of the program. 学生们一起计划白天和过夜的旅行,包括划独木舟, hiking and sea kayaking. 这些备受期待的旅行让学生有机会实践他们在课堂上学到的技能,并有机会在校外与同龄人互动.

Reading Program
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